The Legend of Hannah

There isn't a Delta Gamma around who doesn't know about and love our mascot, Hannah. Born out of the love for an old rag doll, Hannah has become a symbol of the ideal Delta Gamma and of the ideal friend. Hannah is, indeed, the ideal Delta Gamma. She is loyal and true, and engraved over her heart for anyone to read is "I love you." However, she's more than that; unlike our anchor and our cream rose, which are symbols of golden ideals, our Hannah is based on fun.

Hannah's the girl at whom you can throw the punches, and she still comes back smiling. She's the one you snuggle up to and tell all your secrets. Hannah's devoted to her work, to her sisters, and to the anchor. She wears both the Pi Alpha and the anchor pin. She is anybody willing to give of herself.

Hannah becomes personalized in the form of Hidden Hannahs--unknown individuals who look out for new members before and after initiation. For initiated members, there are Aunt Hannahs. These women are alumnae who provide a link between the collegiate chapters and the alumnae chapters--a tie between the present and the future.

No other organization has a symbol like Hannah--a member that we can poke fun at, have fun with, and just plain love. That's quite a lot for an old rag doll, but then, she is quite a sister.

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